Breath Retention aka Kumbhaka Pranayama

There are several breathing practices used in yoga and pranayama that involve breath retention, that is, the holding of the breath at the end of the inhale or exhale or both. Sometimes this can be a mere fraction of a second, a mental separation of the two aspects of the breath, providing a definitive end … Read more

The Fight or Flight State – Is it Always Something We Need to Avoid?

We’ve all heard about the body’s “fight or flight” reaction to dangerous, stressful, or frightening stimuli, and it’s almost always portrayed as bad for our health. Like most things in life however, it’s a matter of perspective. While many of us experience relatively high levels of stress, and could benefit from learning how to relax, … Read more

Free Pain Package to be Released Soon!

In case you missed it on our products page…. We’re hugely excited to be able to announce that we’re almost finished putting together our first free product for you – and it’s a biggie! Thanks to our Sponsorship Program, we’ve decided to devise a mini – but still comprehensive – package on… {drum roll please} … Read more