The Use of Props in Yoga

The use of props in yoga can completely transform the practice, and opens up an almost infinite range of possibilities. They can make poses more accessible, help you target specific muscle groups or sections of movement, or even make a pose more challenging. And they don’t have to cost the earth. We’ll be adding a … Read more

Accepting and Embracing Change

It’s funny how, as our priorities in life change, so do the measurements with which we evaluate our achievements, our happiness, and even our own worth. Around 6 years ago my life got completely turned upside down, although I didn’t realise that at the time. I thought I’d be back to it again within a … Read more

Free Pain Package to be Released Soon!

In case you missed it on our products page…. We’re hugely excited to be able to announce that we’re almost finished putting together our first free product for you – and it’s a biggie! Thanks to our Sponsorship Program, we’ve decided to devise a mini – but still comprehensive – package on… {drum roll please} … Read more